Newsletter - Issue 15:

Corcoran State Prison

California State Prison at Corcoran is built on what was once Tulare Lake, home of the Tachi Indians. It was the first California prison with a separate facility to house high security prisoners. The sprawling 942 acre Corcoran prison is a relatively new prison and was opened in February 1988.

  • Number of custody staff: 1,119
  • Number of support services staff: 584
  • Annual operating budget: $115 million

Basic Inmate Programs

  • Crops farming, dairy/milk processing, laundry, manufacturing, metal fabrication, wood products

  • Vocational: Auto mechanics, computer technology, dry cleaning, electronics, machine shop, mill and cabinet, sheet metal, upholstery, welding

  • Academic: Adult Basic Education, High School/GED, Pre-Release, English as a Second Language, Literacy Program

Per data to hand Corcoran is filled way over capacity. With Criminon programs we can make these inmates acceptable to society and more qualified for release than the basic programs above.

Security Level Design Capacity Current Capacity
Low Security 392 771
Med Security 1,500 2,892
High Security 1,204 1,204
Total 2,916 4,867

The California Challenge

An official at Corcoran State Prison in California challenged Criminon that if it will provide the books and supervisors, he will arrange for up to 1,000 offenders to do the Criminon program! This could open the doors to having paid for Criminon programs that truly work instead of unworkable punishment sequence methods presently employed.

Your help is needed to bring the miracles of the criminal rehabilitation technology of L. Ron Hubbard into this setting and create a center where people learn to live productive and useful lives.

To do this, Criminon needs the correspondence materials for 1,000 prisoners— a total cost of $40,000. Several hundred people will need to supervise these correspondence courses from their homes.

It will take only $40 to put a Corcoran inmate through the Criminon program.

Join the Sponsor an Inmate Campaign now! Your contribution of $40.00 will provide a full set of Criminon correspondence course materials for one Corcoran inmate.

Contact Criminon West US below to sponsor an inmate or to volunteer your services as a Criminon Correspondence Supervisor. Get briefed further on this by either E-mailing Criminon or calling (323) 254-6008.

One to two hours a week makes it actually easy to help an inmate and you will be glad you did!

Dear Criminon,

"I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to enroll in and be a participant in the Criminon Rehabilitation Program. "The Way to Happiness" extension course has been for me an eye-opening, life-changing experience, and one which has blessed my personal life and well-being tremendously.

Never in all the years of my incarceration have I been moved to again hope and believed in the future, nor inspired to change, truly, truly change as I have now been so moved and inspired to do, in order to become a better, brighter and far more benevolent person. The many precepts taught and promoted within this course are not only vital to my own peace of mind and peaceful interaction with prison life, but are also invaluable to me making it successfully out in the streets. And to think that I've only just begun to engage upon this new-found path and journey.

So I am excited about all that the future holds in store for me. For me, two words define clearly the overall message of "The Way to Happiness" extension course: Truth and love. Truth to oneself and honest interaction with our fellow man, Love of life and love for the world we live in and love towards our fellow man, but even more importantly that we love ourselves.

Again, Thank You, Criminon."


S.O., Corcoran State Prison






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