"CRIMINON WORKS! It is the only program that can
and does restore self-respect and restores a criminal to an ethical
and contributing member of society. I've seen the results for myself
and I know that as a mother I want my child to grow up in a world without
criminality and where the quality of life is guaranteed for all. I know
it can be a tough job but we CAN turn lives around using the correct
methods. CRIMINON also increases public safety and saves each country
millions and millions of costs and victims. I myself am supervising
an inmate in the program and see the results. That is why I support
it 100 percent."
- Catherine Bell, Actress, Criminon Activist and Correspondence Supervisor
The Way to Happiness Course
"I found 'The Way to Happiness' course very informative
and useful and it's precepts valid for use in any situation in life.
Through this course, I have gained a better perspective on my life and
those around me and by applying what I've learned, I find that the road
of life, though uncertain and dangerous at times, can be traveled more
successfully when you allow sound morals to direct your path. A person
will only get out of life what they put into it . no deposit, no return!
I'm glad I did 'The Way to Happiness' course. I'm a better man for doing
- D.R., Chuckawalla Valley State Prison
Learning Skills for Life Course
"Before the course I was like millions that learned
things with my hands. I did not understand or remember the things that
I read. This caused me to stop reading. I figured that there was no
point in reading if I can't learn or enjoy a book.
"By doing this course (Learning Skills for Life
Course) it helped me understand why I was having trouble. Before I would
read or pass a words that I did not understand or know. I would depend
on the words around or in the sentence. That only works sometimes. Other
times you get the wrong meaning and don't grasp the concept of what
you are reading. So that was causing me to lose interest in what I was
reading or studying. Now I take a little time in looking up the words
I do not know and it is helping me greatly in my studies. All I have
to say is "Try it."
- T.V., Avenal State Prison, CA
The Way to Happiness Course
"The Way to Happiness" course has allowed
me to take a look into myself. This course has also helped me to identify
with the dysfunctional thinking I have and showed me ways to change
my thinking process."
- R.B., BCF, Colorado
Learning Skills for Life Course
"This course helped me break the barriers to learn
and understand words in a way I never knew and in learning that I have
noted a change in my study. Not only am I able to use it through the
Criminon courses but in everything else I am studying. Thanks Criminon!"
- L.A., Centinela State Prison, CA
You can supervise these correspondence courses from your home in an hour
or two a week. In addition to changing the life of an inmate (and all
the people the current system would send him out to victimize), I guarantee
your own life will change! Get briefed further on this by E-mailing Criminon
or calling (323) 254-6008.